Church of the Good Shepherd 3200 Harbor Street Pittsburg • California 94565
Phone: 925-432-6404 Fax: 925-432-6748 Office:
Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-Noon & 1:00pm-4:00pm
Fridays: 9:00am-3:00pm (Covered by Volunteers with Limited Service)

Our Parishioners
Parish  Registration
Photo Albums
Staff Contact Info
Facilities Rental
Mass & Prayer Schedule
Rosary & Prayers
Religious Education
Ministerio Hispano
Anointing of the Sick Hotline

St. Vincent De Paul Assistance Line
925-432-6404  Ext. 25

Sacraments,  Quinceañera, & Catholic Burial

Sacrament of Baptism
This sacrament is administered through our Youth Formation Program if the candidate is under 18 years old or through the RCIA Program if the candidate is 18 years or older. Please click [HERE] for the appropriate program to receive more information on this sacrament or contact David DeLuna at

English:  Click [HERE] for a Baptismal Registration Form
English:  Click [HERE] for a Baptismal Video
Espanol:  Haga Clic [AQUI] por un Formulario de Registro Bautismal
Espanol:  Haga Clic [AQUI] por un Video del Bautismo


First Holy Communion
This sacrament is administered through our Youth Formation Program if the candidate is under 18 years old or through the RCIA Program if the candidate is 18 years or older. Please click [HERE] for the appropriate program to receive more information on this sacrament.


In order to schedule a Quinceañera at Good Shepherd Church, the young woman turning 15 must be part of a Life Teen program and preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. An appointment with a priest is needed to schedule the mass and begin preparation for the celebration.

The Quinceañera masses are scheduled on Saturdays at noon or 2 pm depending on the church calendar. In order to make Quinceañera arrangements, contact Carmen Esquivel at 925-432-6404 ext.19 or


Sacrament of Holy Orders
If you feel called to a religious vocation you should contact the parish who will guide you and put you in contact with our Pastor to further discern your call and answer your questions.



Sacrament of Matrimony
Couples wishing to marry in the church are required to make arrangements at least six (6) months in advance of the date of marriage. The couple will meet with a priest and attend a marriage preparation program offered through the Diocese of Oakland. In order to make wedding arrangements, contact Carmen Esquivel at or 925-432-6404 ext.19.

Wedding Ministry
The Wedding Ministry helps couples prepare to receive the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Members meet with couples at least 1 month prior to the ceremony date at the Good Shepherd office. Please contact Danette Shipe at 925-427-9561 or Bee Francisco at 925-473-9247 for more information.


Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available Fridays after the 7:30AM mass, Saturdays from 4:00-5:00PM or by appointment.
Spanish Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Communal Reconciliation Service during Advent and Lent, schedules are posted in the parish bulletin.



Sacrament of the Sick
This Sacrament is available to parishioners 24/7 particularly in case of imminent danger of death.

For more information in making an appointment, please call the parish office 925-432-6404 during regular office hours or the Anointing of the Sick Hotline 24/7.

The current Hotline number can be found on the first page of the bulletin and also on the recorded message when calling the parish office 925-432-6404 during off-hours.


Funeral Celebration & Rites
The death of a loved one is a difficult time for family and friends who are left behind. It is a great privilege for us to console family members and to help arrange the funeral liturgy such as vigil, mass and committal. For more information, please call our parish office
925-432-6404 or




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