Education / Faith Formation |
Education Program Overview
We believe that children a vital part of our Catholic Community.
It is imperative to help them experience this world in a
Catholic Christian community, where the values of love, peace,
and social justice are lived daily and where respect and dignity
are afforded to all.
The Church teaches that families are the primary teachers of
children. The home is the first place that faith is witnessed.
Parents may share this responsibility with others, but they do
not relinquish it. The goal of Religious Education is to assist
families in passing on the Catholic faith to their children.
We are also here to welcome adults who are thinking about
becoming Catholic or maybe just need to catch up on some missed
Education Registration
Returning students must fill out a registration form. We will
also need a copy of the student’s Birth Certificate and Baptism
Certificate. A clear picture is fine. If making an online
payment, please include a copy of your receipt with your form.
Registration forms, certificates, and proof of payment may all
be submitted to Klarisse at
or brought in during office hours.
Please make your payment by clicking the PAY button below.
English: Click [HERE] to Download and Print a Blank Registration
Español: Haga Clic [AQUI] para Descargar e Imprimir un Formulario
de Registro en Blanco


Adult Confirmation
If you are 18 or older and
need the sacrament of Confirmation, please fill out the form
below and email it to Klarisse at
Click [HERE] to download
Haga click [AQUI] para versión en Espanol. |


High School Events
Revival information coming soon. |

High School
High School Confirmation information coming soon. |


Rite of Christian
Initiation for Children
Rite of Christian
Initiation for Child prepares children, 7 years old and up, for
Baptism. It is a one-year class. Classes are on Sundays after
the 10:00AM mass from 11:30AM-12:30PM.
Registration forms, certificates, and proof of payment may all
be submitted to Klarisse at
or brought in during office hours. |


Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Classes preparing adults who
are thinking about or know they want to become Catholic.
Please contact Klarisse Tan at
for more information.
Click [HERE] to download
RCIA form.
Haga clic [AQUI] para
RCIA versión en Espanol. |

from grades 1st through 12th receive First Holy Communion after
attending classes for 2 consecutive years. |

Youth Formation
We believe
that children a vital part of our Catholic Community. It is
imperative to help them experience this world in a Catholic
Christian community, where the values of love, peace, and social
justice are lived daily and where respect and dignity are
afforded to all.
The Church teaches that families are the primary teachers of
children. The home is the first place that faith is witnessed.
Parents may share this responsibility with others, but they do
not relinquish it. The goal of Religious Education is to assist
families in passing on the Catholic faith to their children.
Please contact for more
We are also here to welcome adults who are thinking about
becoming Catholic or maybe just need to catch up on some missed
sacraments. |

Sacrament Photos