Schedule of Masses
All Masses are live streamed on our YouTube channel.
Here is the link to watch our Masses online:
Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd, 3200
Harbor Street, Pittsburg, California, USA
Monday – Friday
8:00am and 5:30pm Vigil
8:00am, 10:00am, 12pm, 3pm Spanish
Drive through communion after each Mass in front of the church.
Fridays 8am — 9am
Fridays 8am-9am
Saturdays 4:00pm — 5:00pm or by appointment
While you are at YouTube, be sure to click the subscribe.
Permission to reprint, podcast, and
/ or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE
with license #A-737330. All rights reserved.
Morning Prayer
Liturgy of the Hours: 7:00
Fridays: 8am-9 am;
1st Fridays: 8am-7pm
or 24 Hour Adoration in the Chapel
(door code required ~ call parish office).
Divine Mercy Monday-Friday
after 7:30am Mass
Our Lady of Fatima/Perpetual Help~1st Saturday
Santo Nino~2nd Saturday
Divine Mercy~3rd Saturday
Saint Padre Pio~4th Saturday
Healing Mass~5th Saturday
(All devotions take place following 8:00 am Mass)
Pray with
Padre Pio
The St. Padre Pio prayer group is inviting
everyone to join the daily prayer brigade at 6:00pm thru ZOOM
Prayer Intentions: to stop the spread of Corona Virus,
protection and strength of all frontliners, and for the sick and
dying affected by the COVID19, and world peace.
The prayer brigade starts at 6 pm every day. In addition to the
daily prayer brigade, we added these novenas after the daily
prayer brigade:
• Monday – Santo Nino Novena
• Tuesday – Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena
• Thursday – St Padre Pio Novena.
Please text your name and phone to Cecille Perez (925) 300-6234
or Tony Perez (925) 354-4132. They will send you the link to the
ZOOM meeting. Just click on the link and you are in the meeting.
If you have any question, please call Cecille Perez at
925-300-6234 or Alma Espiritu 925-597-2515.