Church of the Good Shepherd 3200 Harbor Street Pittsburg California 94565
Phone: 925-432-6404 Fax: 925-432-6748 Office:
Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-Noon & 1:00pm-4:00pm
Fridays: 9:00am-3:00pm (Covered by Volunteers with Limited Service)

Our Parishioners
Parish  Registration
Photo Albums
Staff Contact Info
Facilities Rental
Mass & Prayer Schedule
Rosary & Prayers
Religious Education
Ministerio Hispano
Anointing of the Sick Hotline

St. Vincent De Paul Assistance Line
925-432-6404  Ext. 25


Thank you for visiting our website. We are a diverse Catholic community that welcomes everyone to join us on their faith journey. As a member of the Diocese of Oakland, we are committed to knowing Christ and making Him better known as our mission statement says: "One Flock, One Family, Living and Sharing the Love of Christ."
On this site, you will find many ministries available at our Church. We invite you to let your grateful heart draw you to respond to God's call, reaching out and serving those in need.
Fr. Thi Hoang
Parochial Administrator



Join Us!
Friday Night Lenten Dinners

5:30pm Every Friday Night During Lent

Please call our office
925-432-6404 for reservations.

$20.00 per person

3/21 Eggplant Parmesan
3/28 Linguine & Clams
  4/4 Veggie Lasagna
4/11 Sand Dabs


This Week's Mass

Year of  Hope

Click [HERE] for more information about the Year of Hope's activities in our Diocese and as well in the Vatican.

Our Bishop Barber will celebrate a Special Mass to open the Holy Year at the Cathedral on Jan 19 at 11am. All are welcome! Click the link [HERE] for more info.

Thank You for Your Stewardship and Generosity!

Dearest Parishioners,
No word can express our gratitude to you for your generous hearts in giving your time, talents, treasures, and helping us keep our parish up and running smoothly.
To make your giving easy and convenient, you can donate through Zelle by clicking the QR code above or clicking the QR code below for online donations. Once again, thank you so much for your generosity. God bless your good hearts.


Bishop’s Ministries Appeal

Every donation gifted to the Bishop's Ministries Appeal enables us to support 70+ ministries that serve our diocese faithful as well as the wider communities where our parishes are located.
The word “Catholic” means “universal,” and our faith cares for all our sisters and brothers regardless of the parish in which they worship. One should give to the Appeal because there are certain ministries and services that cannot be provided by a parish but only by a diocese. With your support, the diocese recruits, educates and forms seminarians, pays a pension and needed medical care for our retired clergy, supports a diaconate program and ethnic minorities.

We are grateful for the support we have received from each of you, including all of your prayers.
Click the links below for all information about the appeal.
Click [
HERE] for more Information
Click [
HERE] Bishop’s video about the Appeal
Haga clic [
AQUI] para Espanol


2025 Events Calendar
Click [HERE] for a printable version


March 21: Friday Lenten Dinner 5:30pm; Stations of the Cross: 6:30, Guadalupe Mass at 7pm
March 25: Lent Confession 7pm
March 28: Friday Lenten Dinner 5:30pm; Stations of Cross 7pm
March 31 - April 1: Parish Lenten Retreat 6pm (Tentative)

April 3: Lenten Studies 7pm
April 4: Lenten Dinner at 5:30pm; Stations of Cross 6:30pm; Mass of S. Heart 7pm
April 6: Parents Class (English)
April 7 - 8: Lenten Retreat w Fr. Daniel 7pm-9pm
April 9: Lent Parish Confession 7pm
April 10: Lenten Studies at 7pm
April 11: Lenten dinner at 5:30pm; Stations of Cross 6:30pm; Taize Prayer 7pm
April 13- Palm Sunday
April 15: Lent Confession 7pm
April 17: Holy Thursday: 7:30am Morning Prayer; 7pm Mass of the Lord's Supper
April 18: Good Friday: 12pm (English), 3pm (Spanish), 6pm English)
April 19: Easter Vigil 8:00pm
April 20: Easter: 7am; 8:30am; 10am; 12pm; 3pm (Spanish)
April 27: Parents Class (Spanish)
April 30: FHC Confession at 5:30pm

May 3: FHC (English) l0am
May 3: From Water to Fire (Confirmation Retreat) 5pm - 9pm with Confession
May 6-7: Youth Confirmation Discernment at 4pm-7pm
May 10: First Communion (Spanish) at 10am
May 10: Parish Feast Day Bishop Barber presides 5:30pm Mass and Reception to follow in the hall
May 13: Fatima - Marian Procession 6:30pm & Mass 7:30pm
May 17: First Holy Com Spanish 10am
May 18: Youth and Adult Confirmation @5pm and 7pm
May 31: Healing Mass 10am

June 13: Fatima procession 7pm
June 16: Faith Formation registration Kick Off

July 12: Fatima Procession 6:30pm (After 5:30pm Mass)
July 19: Parish Hawaii Dinner Dance - Fundraising at 7pm

August 6: Staff Retreat - All Day
August 14: Assumption Vigil Mass at 7pm
August 15: Assumption - 7:30am Mass; 6:30pm Procession; 7:00pm Mass
August 23: Group Marriage Convalidation at 12pm
August 30: Healing Mass at 10am
August 31: Closing of RE Registrations

Sept 7: Faith Formation begins
Sept 13: Fatima Procession 6:30pm
Sep 22: RCIA begins

Oct 5: Flock Party - All Day: Masses 8am, 10am, 12pm, 1:30pm (Spanish)
Oct 12: Parents Sessions (English)
Oct 13: Fatima Procession 6:30pm, Mass at 7pm
Oct 19: Parent Sessions (Spanish)
Oct 31: All Saints Vigil Mass 7pm

Nov 1: All Saints- Saturday 8am; 10am, 12pm Bilingual
Nov 2: All Souls- 8am, 10am, 12pm, 3pm
Nov 2: Parents Sessions (English)
Nov 15: Music Concert - 7:00pm (time tentative)
Nov 16: Parent Sessions (Spanish)
Nov 22: Healing Mass at 10am
Nov 27: Thanksgiving
Nov 30: Advent

Dec 5: Taize Prayer 7pm
Dec 7: O.L of Guadalupe- 5am Mananitas and 2pm Mass
Dec 12: Guadalupe Mass at 7pm
Dec 14: Parent Sessions (English)
Dec 15: Advent Reconciliation 7pm
Dec 21: Parents Sessions (Spanish)
Dec 24: Christmas Eve, 4pm, 6pm, 12midnight
Dec 25: Christmas Day, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 1:30pm
Dec 31: New Year's Eve: Mass 5:30pm; NYE's Party at 7pm


2026 January
New Year's Day: 10am; 11:30am Bilingual

Support Our Bulletin Sponsors

News & Announcements

Young Adult Ministry
All Young Adults 21 - 35 years old are invited to join our Young Adult Ministry! We gather together on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. If you have any questions, or would like to be added to the email list, please contact Dulcinea at





Mass Schedule
Monday – Friday:  7:30am
Saturday:  8:00am and 5:30pm Vigil
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm,
& 3:00pm Spanish

Drive through communion
after each Mass in front of the church.

Fridays: 8:00am - 9:00am
Fridays: 8:00am - 9:00am
Saturdays 4:00pm - 5:00pm or by appointment

YouTube Mass
All weekday masses and 10:00am mass on Sunday are live streamed on our YouTube channel. 

Click [HERE] to watch our Masses online.

  Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-737330. All rights reserved..

Youth Mass
Every Third Sunday of the Month at 10:00am. All ages welcome!

Parish Staff
Fr. Thi Van Hoang, Parochial Administrator
925-432-6404 Ext. 11

Fr. Arn Cabrias, Priest in Residence

Deacon Alberto Cruz
925-432-6404 Ext. 23

Dina Russell, Bookkeeper
925-432-6404 Ext. 12

Carmen Esquivel, Office Manager
925-432-6404 Ext. 19

Klarisse Tan, Religious Education Coordinator
925-432-6404 Ext. 21

Lorena Reyes, Office & Faith Formation Assistant
925-432-6404 Ext. 20

Dennis Riray, Music Director

Gerry Brochu, Maintenance
Morning Prayer
Liturgy of the Hours: 7:00 a.m.

Friday, 8:00am-9:00am;
1st Fridays: 8:00am-7:00pm or 24 Hour Adoration in the Chapel (Door code required ~ call parish office).

Divine Mercy
Monday-Friday after 7:30am Mass
Our Lady of Fatima
Perpetual Help

1st Saturday after 8:00am Mass
Santo Nino
2nd Saturday after 8:00am Mass
Divine Mercy
3rd Saturday after 8:00am Mass
Saint Padre Pio
4th Saturday after 8:00am Mass
Healing Mass
5th Saturday after 8:00am Mass

Click image above to sign up for our newsletter.

Keep in Touch

Instagram (Teens)

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